The White Marlin
The White Marlin – KAJIKIA ALBIDA – is the smallest representative of the ISTIOPHORIDES (billfish) family. Its larger cousins ​​are black marlin, blue marlin, striped marlin, sailfish and swordfish. Its adult weight is about 50 kg. White marlin migrate in small groups in Moroccan waters between the months of July and November when the water temperature fluctuates between 23.5°C and 25°C. It is a very elegant, powerful and extremely acrobatic fish; it can do a double somersault or cover several tens of meters on its tail, thus leaving its 3 meters completely out of the water as can be seen on these pictures.
The Blue Marlin
The Blue Marlin – MAKAIRA NIGRICANS – is the largest representative of the ISTIOPHORIDES family along with the black marlin. We sometimes find them in the same area as white marlin and in recent years we have observed an increase in blue marlin strikes.

The Dolphinfish
The Dolphinfish / Mahi Mahi - CORYPHAENA HIPPURUS - is the largest member of the CORYPHAENIDAE family. They are very common in certain parts of Moroccan waters and offer intense fights.
The Bluefin Tuna
The Bluefin Tuna – THUNNUS THYNNUS – is certainly the most prized tuna species in the world. In Morocco, its presence is mainly concentrated in the Strait of Gibraltar between the end of May and the end of August. Catches exceeding 250 kg are quite frequent.